2011. 9. 24. 11:16

Dataram RAMDisk
ralease : 2011.9.16
O/S : Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP, Server (x86 and x64)


• Speed up Internet page load times
• Control what files and programs are stored into memory (loaded at boot time)
• Create temporary disks for added security
• Speed up disk-to-disk activities such as video encryption and audio ripping
• Accelerate databases
• Reduce compile times

Intel or AMD-based system with at least 512MB RAM.
Dataram RAMDisk is compatible with all versions of Windows 7, Windows Vista (x86 and x64), Windows XP (x86 and x64), all editions of Windows Server 2003 , all editions of Windows server 2008 (x86 and x64).

Posted by pyromania