[가젯] All CPU Meter
Release history
Version: 4.6 - Added ability to change flyout background and text color.
- Added digital signature.
- Fixed bugs.
Version: 4.5 - Fixed RAM Calculation.
Version: 4.4 - Improves performance.
- Fixed bugs.
Version: 4.3 - Fixed white box with the < problem.
Version: 4.2 - Fixed clock frequency bugs.
Version: 4.1 - Added support CoreTemp.
- Added alert icon notification.
- Improves performance.
- Fixed bugs.
Version: 4.0.5 - Fixed AMD Phenom and Opteron processors temperature sensor.
- Fixed temperature values to integers.
Version: 4.0.4 - Fixed refresh issues.
Version: 4.0.3 - Fixed bugs.
Version: 4.0.2 - Fixed bugs.
Version: 4.0.1 - Fixed 32 threads bug.
Version: 4.0 - Added support dual processor motherboard up to 16 cores and 32 threads
- Added support PC Meter
- Added sound alert CPU temperature*
- Added Intel processor turbo frequency*
- Remove support CoreTemp
- Changed Intel logo
- Changed some of text and bar color
Version: 3.9 - Fixed setting can't save.
Version: 3.8 - Fixed bugs and added copy text function on flyout.
Version: 3.7 - Fixed bugs and added many info on flyout (Processor, Operating System, Base Board, BIOS and Computer System).
Last updated: 23-Jan-2013
[가젯] All CPU Meter 3.7

Last updated: 06/22/2011
Support operating system: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008
Release history
Version: 3.7 - Fixed bugs and added many info on flyout (Processor, Operating System, Base Board, BIOS)
Version: 3.6.1 - Fixed Processor Name Bug.
Version: 3.6 - Fixed bug.
Version: 3.5 - Fixed memory leaks IE9 RTM, improvements and added new settings futures.
Version: 3.4 - Fixed memory leaks IE9 RC (remove CPU frequency).
Version: 3.3 - Fixed internet explorer 9 beta bug.
Version: 3.2 - Fixed bug, added support for Twenty Four Core and more setting.
Version: 3.1 - Fixed bug and added color changeable for (each core, graph, ram, clock and font).
Version: 3.0 - Added CPU frequency, Processor icons, Processor name, Background and Cores temperatures*.
*For show [cores temperatures] you need to have running the CoreTemp application in background.
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