2012. 2. 6. 22:10

안드로이드 음악인식 어플

Shazam Encore

Hear a song you don’t know?
Shazam identifies it instantly. Unlimited, no Ads.

LyricPlay™ :See full-screen lyrics that play in time to the music you’re tagging – learn the lyrics you thought you knew.

Encore is the quickest and easiest way to discover more about music.
Hold your phone up to the music to identify a track,
watch the video, get the lyrics, play in Spotify and more!

With Shazam, you can:
○ Save and listen again (30 sec previews)
○ See full-screen lyrics in time to music
○ Buy tracks on Amazon MP3
○ Watch videos on YouTube
○ Listen to your tagged music in Spotify
○ Discover new music based on the tracks you like with Recommendations
○ Share tags on Facebook & Twitter
○ Learn the lyrics you thought you knew
○ Discover new music from your Shazam Friends and Shazam Tag Chart
○ Tag TV shows and commercials for exclusive content – Look for the Shazam Logo!
○ Find out when an artist is on tour and buy concert tickets
○ Use it when you don’t have a signal
○ Tag music straight from your home screen with the Shazam widget
○ Remember where you tagged a track with Location

SoundHound ∞

What’s that song?
Identify it FAST with SoundHound.

Unlimited music recognition! With the world’s fastest music recognition and
exclusive singing search, SoundHound is instant music search and discovery.

SoundHound includes:
♪ The world’s fastest music recognition: name tunes playing from a speaker in as little as four seconds.
♪ The world’s only viable singing and humming recognition
♪ Song Previews
♪ Lyrics
♪ Live Lyrics
♪ Music Videos
♪ Share to Facebook and Twitter instantly
♪ Home screen widget allows you to identify music without launching the app

Posted by pyromania